We do a wide range of services including residential & commercial painting, wood rot repair and various staining jobs. We really enjoy meeting and exceeding homeowner's/property owners expectations. If you are looking for a company that will respect you and your property and also try our very best on each and every job then give us a call . We look forward to hearing from you.
Residential Painting-
EXTERIOR- This is our specialty. We have experience doing all sorts of exterior painting projects, from all size's of house's and buildings.

INTERIOR- We can do a wide variety of interior painting work. Ranging from new construction to whole home re-paints. Here are some of the services we can provide for interior work besides only painting: whole kitchen cabinet staining-clear coating-and painting, wall paper removal-ceiling texture removal (popcorn). We can also apply knockdown ceiling texture.

Wood Rot/Hail damage repair:
We have experience in several different types of wood rot repair and hail damage repair to the home such as: siding, trim, fascia and soffit.

If you are looking to just freshen up your deck or get it stained for the first time we have done hundreds of them all types and sizes. We also have a lot of experience doing other types of staining like cabinets, rails, front doors, fences and shutters. Basically any type of woodwork you would like stained or sanded down to change color we can handle.

We have experience doing different types and sizes of commercial buildings interior and exterior, office buildings, strip malls, warehouses, stores, etc.